Legal News Until 14/11/2024

The most important legal news in local newspapers
We in Ben Arafa Law Group Consulting & Legal Legitimacy L.L.C likes to provide you of the most important legal news in the local newspapers for this week, which related to your business and commercial, labor and procedural activities, and accordingly we provide you with the most important news as follows:


Ministry of Environment and Agriculture Issues the New Executive Regulations

for Environmental Violations  

Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture issues the new executive regulations for the environmental violations according to the ministerial decree number 915101619), for reinforcing the environmental governance and to ensure undertaking with the environmental sustainability standards in the KSA.

The regulations include the mechanism for violations control, including documenting them by the inspectors in cooperation with the security authority when required and defining the sanctions which include financial fines up to 100,000 Saudi riyals, while the harder violations are raised to the concerned committee, in addition to the possibility of terminating the license in a case of repeating the violations.

Also, the regulations oblige the violators with the environmental requalification and paying the damages. They define the mechanisms for seizure items disposal. The regulations grant the violators the right of appealing the decrees of sanction taken against them according to the legal judgments.




Ministry of Municipality, Rural and Housing Affairs Approves the Technical Guidelines for Processing Delayed and Obstructed Sale and Lease Projects


Ministry of Municipality, Rural and Housing Affairs approves the new technical guidelines for processing the delayed and obstructed property projects according to “The Roadmap for sale and lease projects”.

The guidelines define the delayed project as an incomplete project according to the schedule and the performance indicators, and it is categorized as obstructed when there are technical or financial reasons that affect the completion progress.

The guidelines include mechanisms for treating obstruction, as the developers should take the corrective actions, and replace the identities or the individuals who cause the obstruction. Also, the guidelines allow replacing the main developer by another one in a case of inability to complete the project because of bankruptcy or financial inefficiency.



Legal Information


Regulations for Amending Prices of Contracts at the Governmental Tenders and Procurements System 

According to article number sixty eight of the governmental tenders and procurements new system, amendment in the prices of contracts and framework agreements shall be made only in exceptional cases, to ensure justice between the contracted parties, and to prevent unjustified amendments. Those cases include:

  • Changing prices of basic materials or services: in a case of change in the basic prices that influence the contract articles, according to the regulations.

  • Changing customs or taxes: at amending the charges or the taxes that require amending the contract prices.

  • Non-expected insolvency: in a case of non-expected difficulties through the performance when it is impossible to expect them at signing the contract.

This article aims at balancing the contracting undertakings and protecting all parties from sudden changes which may affect the cost of completion, while undertaking with defined conditions and procedures that ensure stability and transparency of contracts.

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