The most important legal news in local newspapers
We in Ben Arafa Law Group Consulting & Legal Legitimacy L.L.C likes to provide you of the most important legal news in the local newspapers for this week, which related to your business and commercial, labor and procedural activities, and accordingly we provide you with the most important news as follows:
Forty days are left for the term granted to complete the articles of association
Ministry of commerce invites to complete the amendment of their articles of association or “bylaw” according to rules of the new firms’ law, that is before the passing of the defined term. The ministry states that the remaining period is less than 40 days, as the deadline for making the amendment is 19th January, 2025.
The ministry affirms that the process of amending the articles of association is made easily through the website of the Saudi Business Center. The amendments will include the following items:
The company articles of association
Company name
Company scope
The capital
The management
The ministry invites all shareholders to benefit from that grace time and to avoid any future legal or regulatory consequences. The new firms system aims at improving the business environment and reinforcing transparency and flexibility, according to the objectives of the Vision of KSA 2030.
Extending the period for correcting the status of the absentee professional labor
Ministry of human resources and social development announces granting an additional period of 60 days for the labor who are sorted as absentees from 1st December, 2024,
That initiative aims at providing additional opportunities for correcting the status of professional labor according to the approved regulations and systems, that for reinforcing the stability of labor relations. The ministry points out that the system for work permanent absence grants the labor in the private sector 60 days to complete the procedures for job transfer or final termination. In a case of not taking the required actions during that term, the labor status shall be changed to “absent from work”
That additional period aimed at:
Providing labor a new opportunity to correct their status.
Facilitating job transfer and building correct labor relationships.
Reinforcing job market stability for supporting economic development
Food and Medicine defines the requirements for promotions and advertising medical equipment
Food and Medicine Authority announces the requirements for promotions and advertisements related to medical equipment and supplies, that aim at reinforcing the compliance with regulations and providing accurate information to the community and the medial professional
Conditions for approval are as follows:
a prior approval; the authority should approve the advertisement before its publishing,
valid marketing certificate: the medial equioment should have a license for marketing.
Considering the ethics: compliance with the Islamic law, community values and ethics.
Accurate information: avoid misleading users or medical staff, and not to use unauthorized allegations.
Limitations on Promotions and advertising are as follows:
Not abuse any medical equipment or compare it with rival products
Use Arabic language for ordinary users and English for health professionals, considering disabled ones.
Not use the name or the logo of the authority or other regulatory authorities.
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