The most important legal news in local newspapers
We in Ben Arafa Law Group Consulting & Legal Legitimacy L.L.C likes to provide you of the most important legal news in the local newspapers for this week, which related to your business and commercial, labor and procedural activities, and accordingly we provide you with the most important news as follows:
State Properties Authority Approves Granting Properties to Non-Profitable Associations and Organizations
The board of the Public Authority of State Properties decreed by decree number (2024-46-Q), dated to 10-02-1446H, corresponding to 14-8-2024, to approve the regulations for allocating state properties to non-profitable sector. To attain that grant by an identity, the following conditions should be met:
- The non-profitable identity shouldn’t have been granted lands, and state property is allocated to it for that purpose. The allocation shall be made according to the requirement assessed by the authority.
- The total area allocated for that identity for that purpose shouldn’t exceed (2.500 square meters). The non-profitable identity shall use a portion of the property, in a condition that it doesn’t exceed 30% of the area allocated for achieving financial sustainability of the identity, according to the allocation decree.
- The deed of property is registered in the name of the state properties authority for the non-profitable sector development center, while it shall define the name of the beneficiary non-profitable identity.
The present regulations aim at achieving effective economic and social objective, which is non-profitable and serves a number of fields, including the medical, educational, social, industrial, cultural, tourist, or technical fields, etc.
Legal Information
Trademark System
In a case of a commercial shop property transfer without its name, the predecessor shall be responsible for the liabilities that precede the shop transfer, unless there is an agreement to add the collective responsibility of successors for those liabilities.
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