Legal News Until 10/10/2024

The most important legal news in local newspapers
We in Ben Arafa Law Group Consulting & Legal Legitimacy L.L.C likes to provide you of the most important legal news in the local newspapers for this week, which related to your business and commercial, labor and procedural activities, and accordingly we provide you with the most important news as follows:


Termination of the customs service charges on exports and reducing the customs on imports:

The decree for terminating the customs service charges on imports, and reducing the customs on imports is enforceable according to a new method for calculating customs.

That method is applied through collecting an amount of 0.15% of the imported goods opposite the service of processing customs statement for goods, in the minimum of 15 riyals, to the maximum limit of 500 riyals. Also, the new charges include an amount of 15 riyals on the individual shipping through electronic stores when the value doesn’t exceed 1000 riyals.

Zakat, Taxes and customs Authority announced that the termination of the customs service charges on exports includes a number of services, including processing of customs information, loading services in gates, ray-inspection, and exchanging information.

That amendment is made according to the authority efforts to relieve the financial burdens on exporters, especially small and medium size establishments, to reinforce the competence and the competitive quality of Saudi goods. Also ,it contributes in reducing the costs of importing and reinforcing the importers capacity to calculate the charges of customs service in advance, while ensuring not to increase the costs, and unifying the method of calculation at road, marine and air gates.  That decree represents a critical step towards facilitating commerce and supporting national economy,


Amending the conditions and the regulations for licensing the activity of car leasing in the KSA

Public Transport Authority issued a decree for amending article number twenty seven of the conditions and the regulations for licensing the activity for car leasing and the activity of leasing mediator through electronic applications and websites. The new amendment enables each stakeholder to file an objection to the authority in 60 days from the date of violation notification. Also, he can appeal the decree of the authority at the administrative court in 60 days from the date of its publication at the official journal.

That decree is made upon the authorities given to the authority president, upon revising the related regulations. Also, that amendment is enforceable and supersedes all previous decrees contradicting it.

It is worth noting that the public transport authority sent the original decree to the representative of the transport authority for reporting it to the stakeholders to enforce its requirements.

Issuing New Regulations for Allocating and Retrieving State Properties 

State public properties authority issued decree number (1-11-2024) dated to 02-01-1446, for applying new regulations for regulating the allocation and the retrieval of state properties. Those regulations aim at achieving more competence in using the stated owned properties and ensuring optimal use of them.

The regulations include accurate definitions of related items and phrases, such as “state properties”, “allocating authorities” and “allocation”. They also define the conditions for allocating any property, as the governmental authorities should file a plan for assessing its needs for three years. It also includes accurate information about the property category and its purpose, in addition to information about the number of the authority stakeholders.

The regulations make a condition of assessing the property by an approved assessor according to the approved standards of the authority. Also they define the cases of retrieving the property from the governmental authority, for example handing the property over or the completion of its allocation purpose.

In addition, an electronic website shall be made for facilitating the process of filing applications and following up the procedures of allocation and retrieval, that reinforces the work competence and contributing in keeping the properties information confidential.

The authority will prepare the required forms for the enforceability of those regulations, while the new regulations shall be published in the official journal and will be enforceable from the date of their publishing.

Those actions are made according to the state efforts to reinforce the transparency and fairness in managing the state properties, and to ensure applying the needs of the governmental authorities effectively and sustainably.

Saudi Authority for Auditors and Accountants Approves the Regulations for Zakat and Taxes Calculation Services

The board of directors for the Saudi Authority for Auditors and Accountants, under the presidency of Dr. Maged Bin Abduulah Alqasaby, announces approving the regulations for zakat and taxes accounting, according to the authority efforts to reinforce the standards for transparency and professionalism in the sector.

Those regulations depend on the authority organization issued by the cabinet decree, which aims at regulating those services to ensure practitioners with the applicable professional standards.

The new regulations will be published in the official journal, and it will be enforceable upon the completion of six months from the date of publishing, so the practicing officials will have enough time to be adapted to the new requirements.

The regulations include a number of procedures and requirements, where the licensee is obliged to notify the authority with any changes in the contact information in a month of the change occurrence, also annual information related to the office or the company will be reported.

For punctuality, the regulations define the sanctions for violating any of the stated conditions, including warning or halting the employment for periods that exceed a year.

That step is according to the authority efforts to improve the quality of the services provided in the sector of accounting and auditing, that contributes in reinforcing confidence of practitioners and their customers.

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